
What is the standard delivery time?

Our standard delivery time is 12 working days from payment confirmation.

How can I track my order?

You can check the status of your order at: pawsnco.com/track-order

How do I return a product?

If you are not satisfied with your product or it is defective, please contact us at info@pawsnco.com and we will be happy to help you.

What delivery options are available?

We only have one shipping method on our website, but don't worry, our worldwide shipping is free.

Can I change the delivery address after placing an order?

Unfortunately, once the order has been completed, we are unable to change the delivery address.

What should I do if my order is delayed?

Due to external factors that we cannot control, sometimes your order may be delayed. If this happens, we ask that you contact our support so we can better help you.

How much does shipping cost?

Because we have partnerships with several international logistics companies, we offer free worldwide shipping.

What happens if I am not at home during the delivery?

Three delivery attempts are normally made to your address, if none are successful, the product will be returned to the sender.

Do you offer international delivery?

Yes, we deliver worldwide.


How can I view and download my invoice?

You can check your orders and invoices at: pawsnco.com/my-account/orders/

What payment methods do you accept?

We offer payments through debit and credit cards, using Stripe to carry out payment intermediation. And we also work with payments with PayPal and Appley Pay.

Is my payment information secure?

Your information will be safe, we have all the certificates on our website and server that guarantee the security of your information. Payments are made through integrations with Stripe and PayPal, which ensure that your information will not be compromised

Can I change my billing information?

Yes, you can change your billing information at pawsnco.com/my-account/edit-account/

What should I do if there is a discrepancy on my bill?

If you have any difference in value on your invoice, please contact our support so we can help you resolve your issue.

Is it possible to save my data for future purchases?

You can save your payment details at pawsnco.com/my-account/payment-methods/ to make future purchases. Don't worry, your data is safe with us.