Nine noble families fight for control of the lands of Westeros, and an ancient enemy returns after a millennium of slumber. George RR Martin’s wife once said she would leave him if he killed Arya or Sansa. Tywin Lannister: Any man who has to say “I am king” is not a true king. During the opening credits, each actor’s last name is accompanied by a sign from his/her character’s house. Hollywood Top Ten: Critics’ Choice Nominees: Drama (2011). Main Title (Uncredited) Written and Performed by Ramin Djawadi. I slowly started watching Game of Thrones; since the first episode (gradually because I’m so busy), I’ve heard nothing but wonderful things about it from friends, family, and IMDb reviewers. Also, with such great talent and an incredible book series, how can it go wrong? The good news is that 'Game of Thrones' did not make a mistake. Quite the opposite. Not only is it a rare TV show that does justice to its original source material and treats it with respect, but it stands alone as one of the best, most infectious, and consistently compelling shows of recent years. The TV show is so incredible that it’s worth checking out if it’s made for TV when everything is done so high that it puts most of today’s movies to shame. This is one of the strongest examples of a critically acclaimed show deserving of all the praise it gets. Visually, Game of Thrones looks incredible. The set design is spectacular, the sets are extremely atmospheric and beautiful to the eye, the details are meticulous, and the costumes perfectly suit the characters. Moreover, the special effects are some of the best on any television program and are neither overused nor abused, their scope, detail, and character and soul are better than most big-budget blockbusters. So is the camerawork and editing, which are also of film quality. Don’t talk about Game of Thrones; not to mention the thematically, orchestrally, and atmospherically layered score and unforgettable main theme. Again, worthy of a big budget fantasy/action/drama film. It’s hard not to admire the quality of the writing, exceptional isn’t a strong enough adjective to describe how good the writing is. It always flows naturally, is layered, thought-provoking, and displays a wide range of emotions from tense suspense to sharp pathos and witty humor. The stories are so beautifully paced, structured with such nuance and attention to consistency, high emotional levels, and touch on complex and sensitive themes with skill and tact. #39; There’s always a reason, never a reason. Not only are the set pieces executed with grand epic scale, brilliant staging, excitement, and dramatic tension, but beneath the sheer scale and sharp attention to detail, there’s a lot of heart and layers. They’re not too long, and there’s no incongruous elements. The characters are also a big part of the appeal. 'Game of Thrones' It has characters that are so well developed and as close to real life as possible despite being set in a fantasy world. These characters are not archetypes of heroes and villains (Joffrey is the only one close to that, but the difference is that he is extremely interesting, well-developed, and ranks well above a hundred percent on the threat level scale). much more and has advantages and disadvantages. The decisions are logical and no character likes it less when the decision is not the right one because mistakes are acknowledged and learned from.